
is recognised for new innovations within the health care sector and was the winner of Stockholm Innovation Scholarship 2015. AsthmaTuner is the first complete self-management system for asthma and is made up of patient apps and a health care interface.
suffering of asthma
of population requires regular treatment
> 50% of asthmatics
today are treated incorrectly*

The challenge:

How do you efficiently eliminate time-consuming doctor's appointments to follow up on your asthma? Medituner came to us with a beta version of the AsthmaTuner, an app that lets users measure their lung capacity over time. But in order to release it to the market, the app needed to be polished, re-designed and work on both Android and iOS devices. Since there was no interface for doctors to follow up on their patients, there was also a need to develop a system that securely could store patient data and present it in a manageable way.

The Process:

To commercialise the system, we helped out with investigating what technical solutions to use, where the patient security was a deal breaker. We helped out with adjusting the business model and adjusted the design with a user perspective in mind to prepare it for a wider market. At a later stage, Spring continued working with Medituner by designing a new app within the asthma tech sector – Spirotuner – that is currently a part of a research program.

Asthmatuner product image

The solution:

Through the native Android and iOS apps, users can login through BankID and connect their spirometer through Bluetooth. This gives both asthmatic users and their doctors a possibility to monitor their lung capacity over time. Doctors access their patients data through the web based health care interface, where all patient data is cloud stored securely.

* Statistics for Sweden

Competences and methods in this project:

  • Front-end/
  • Back-end/
  • UX design/
  • Business impact mapping/

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