Samba + Football = Samba Football Academy!

10 Apr 2015
Samba + Football = Samba Football Academy!

Samba + Football = Samba Football Academy!

Samba Football Academy is an organisation very involved and dedicated to children in weak socio-economic areas. Its is a business free of charge for children. In 2014, the founder Erik Johansson, was awarded the prestigious prize ‘The year’s sports role model’ by Friends, a non-profit organisation working with bullying-prevention.

Samba was founded in 2013, and has involved and educated over 10.000 children and teenagers around Sweden in Samba football and the concept ‘Bonito lifestyle’. Through ‘Bonito lifestyle, Erik wants to teach children the core values in football, which are happiness, comradery and creativity.

Spring has developed the new web site, launched in March 2015, that aims to reach even more children in the need of a community and sense of belonging. The site also addresses companies and municipalities that want to collaborate with Samba Football Academy.

The site focuses on presenting the positive effects of Samba Football Academy to its participants and society as a whole. The site is responsive so that teenagers, with ease, can find information on their mobile phones such as open practices close by. It is also has a instagram flow linked to the website. The connection to social networks allows for a greater sense of community and joy which is something the organisation wants to communicate.

The site is based on a responsive WordPress solution.

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